Hey guys! I just love taking photographs while Arizona road trippin’. What I don’t like so much is the post processing! I recently shared a little bit about our off road experience at Bulldog Canyon and I shared heaps of photos on Instagram. Like this one of, like 60 Himalayan salt lamps. What!?! But, today…here are a few fun shots of my in-laws back yard in the Tonto National Forrest. Enjoy! -Ruth-
RuthLoiacano says
Hey, no worries. I LOVE the American Southwest. It is soooo gorgeous! Glad you like it!
leska hamaty says
Wow, thanks so much for sharing have never seen anything like this…very cool!
Miriam Schulman says
I am now! I am @schulmanArt http://instagram.com/schulmanart#
RuthLoiacano says
I’m not sure? My handle is @ruthloiacano … What’s yours?
Miriam Schulman says
I love the metal scultures! am I following you on instagram? what is your handle there?
RuthLoiacano says
Thanks Charlotte! Me too! Cholla is a very cool plant!
RuthLoiacano says
Thanks Samantha! I love photography too! It visually captures the memory!
RuthLoiacano says
Thanks! It’s a magical place!
RuthLoiacano says
Thanks Emma! I think so too! I have dream to have an Arizona desert wall!
Tania Pelletier says
Very pretty! I’ve only been to Arizona once but I really loved it!
Charlotte says
Wow, very spiky! 🙂 And I also love that first one especially.
Samantha@Elah Tree says
Great, great photos! I love photography so much! Hope you’re having a blast road tripping!
RuthLoiacano says
Yes! That is why I put it first! It is called a Cholla, a type of cactus. This particular one is a dried Teddy Bear Cholla. The other two are prickly pear cactus and barrel cactus!
Lucy Parsons says
I LOVE these photos. I particularly love the first, which is (maybe) why you chose it to be the first. What is it? I love the spiky things too. It’s such a different landscape from the rolling, green English countryside I’m used to. So fascinating.