So, to follow up my blog tips, site map post I wanted to show you a simple way to make really unique text for your blog. This technique could be used for a banner, buttons, or even post images. Honestly, the possibilities are endless, even using the same background image and different font, as illustrated above!
Rishikes sarker says
very amazing video ! Thanks for sharing.
Md Solaiman Hossain says
Useful and effective text tutorial . Like and admire your video clip . Hopefully every will learn something from here specially beginners .
J.Shumi says
I am going to follow your technique for the banner section of my blog. It seems not so difficult to do, and thank you for your effort.
RuthLoiacano says
Hey, thanks! I’ve got so much stored in my head about Adobe products…it’s hard to not assume everyone knows how to use Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Bridge, and my newest learning venture, Premiere Pro!
Charlotte says
Nice video! Really well explained. 🙂